Grow your business using Instagram ads
As an Instagram advertising agency, Face My Ads can be your solution for targeting the right customers, saving money on ad spend and scaling your campaigns to meet your ROI goals. Whether your business goal is to announce a new product, increase app downloads, drive traffic to purchase or attend an upcoming event, Instagram ads are proven to reach a highly visual and engaging audience.
Our Instagram agency can help you tap into the niche market that will love your product or service, quickly getting your business where you want it to be. Here are three reasons why you need to advertise on Instagram.
Digital advertising is growing
Businesses are increasing their budget for digital advertising every year. In fact, the total online spend is expected to increase from $151 billion in 2015 to $204 billion in 2018. Digital advertising is growing because consumers are spending more time online via computers and mobile devices. Additionally, digital advertising provides more targeting mechanisms than traditional media.
One of the of the world’s largest mobile ads platforms
600 million — that’s how many Instagram users there are all over the globe. Over 75 million of them interact on a daily basis. Additionally, almost 76% of Instagram users live outside the US — an entire new market for your business to access. With such a large base of regular users, Instagram is the ultimate platform to globally reach your target audience.
Highly engaged Instagram audience
On Instagram, there are over 40 billion photos shared and 3.5 billion likes every single day. Engagement rates on Instagram stay consistent at 4.2% while engagement on other social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are between 0.3 and 0.7%. The reason that engagement is drastically higher on Instagram is because it’s highly visual and easy to use, making it quick to absorb information as well as allowing a much wider range of people to interact with each other.