
We believe that our pricing should match our goals to yours. That's why we price based on a percentage of your media spend. Of course, you will only ever increase your media spend if we are getting you excellent results. So, it incentivises us to get you those excellent results, so that our revenue can grow alongside yours.

What If You Waste My Money?

Some prospective clients worry that the percentage ad spend model will incentivise us to spend a lot without any regard for results. This simply isn’t the case! We are dedicated to building long term relationships, and the only way we can possibly do that is by delivering you profitable results. And if we are delivering profitable results, then every extra dollar spent is extra profit for you! We will only ever agree to increase the ad budget if it’s very profitable for you.

What Percentage Fee Do You Charge?

The exact percentage we charge is based on your how big your media spend is. The more you spend, the lower our percentage fee. We charge anywhere between 5% – 20%, depending on the level of your spend. For a precise quote, get in touch with us!

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Face My Ads have been exceptional partners for us on the ground. The Face My Ads team have a great understanding of the Marketing Automation landscape and have provided tremendous support and lead generations services to a number of our clients.